29. aug. 2011

Alan Cohen

“Wouldn’t it be powerful if you fell in love with yourself so deeply that you would do just about anything if you knew it would make you happy? This is precisely how much life loves you and wants you to nurture yourself. The deeper you love yourself, the more the universe will affirm your worth. Then you can enjoy a lifelong love affair that brings you the richest fulfillment from inside out.”


Elizabeth Scott

“I want to say something else, something that will help, but when I look at her I know, suddenly, that anything I say won’t make a difference at all. That’s the other thing those books always lie about. They always make everything okay in the end, but that’s not how life works. There are some things that can’t be fixed.”

Mie Greve

"Sorry I act like a bank."



26. aug. 2011

The Wedding Date

"Every woman has the exact love life she wants."

24. aug. 2011


Andy Warhol

“I’m afraid that if you look at a thing long enough, it loses all of its meaning.”

Jonathan Safran Foer: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

“Does it break my heart, of course, every moment of every day, into more pieces than my heart was made of, I never thought of myself as quiet, much less silent, I never thought about things at all, everything changed, the distance that wedged itself between me and my happiness wasn’t the world, it wasn’t the bombs and burning buildings, it was me, my thinking, the cancer of never letting go, is ignorance bliss, I don’t know, but it’s painful to think, and tell me, what did thinking ever do for me, to what great place did thinking ever bring me? I think and think and think, I’ve thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it.”

C.S. Lewis

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”

Le Love

"I used to be the girl that hoped for the most amazing love; and when I met him, I knew I'd found it. He was everything a young girl would fall for: mysterious, unattainable, older, good looking, and such a smooth talker. Being a young girl in high school, it didn't take me long before I couldn't get him off my mind, before I caught myself waiting by the phone for his text message, before I started changing myself to accommodate his expectations. He became my addiction, and I could not stop thinking about him. The first time we hooked up, I was more than ecstatic because that validated that he (or at least, I thought) had feelings for me too, and that he wanted me as well. Right before he kissed me, he said, "I don't want a relationship, but I want you." Being the naive sixteen year old that I was, I took that with a grain of salt, thinking to myself that I could easily change his mind. I just wanted him so badly - it's like, when they say don't push the big red button, its all you want to do. Everyone warned me about him, about how he was a player, about how he was emotionally unavailable, but I was determined to be the exception. I was determined to change that about him. I wanted to be the girl who the player fell in love with - because I knew I could be that girl.

We continued to hook up all the time, but he still wasn't budging. I was giving him everything: hook ups whenever he wanted, but with no strings attached - he got to keep his options open while getting the pretty blonde sixteen year old that no other guy had ever come close to getting.

Why did I let him do this to me? Still, to this day, it baffles me. I was taking from him what I could get, because I liked him so fucking much. He treated me like a friend, he talked to and texted crazy amounts of other girls, used me as a last resort to his plans, but still got me. One hundred percent of me. And I hardly ever even got a stitch of him. He was an asshole, he was a douche bag, he was a jerk. Don't get me wrong though, he was real nice about it - always made sure I knew that the "only reason" why he wouldn't date me was because of school. I knew deep down that was bullshit - my mom always told me, "if a guy really likes you, no matter what is in the way, he will get you. He will WANT to be with you. No matter what." This boy was a master manipulator, and you know, the players always are. They know exactly what to say to the girls who like them to get them exactly where they want. He knew I liked him so much, and he took advantage of it.

And at the end of the day, I ended up with nothing. Why? Because I got fed up - confronted him and put my foot down. I told him it was either all or nothing with me, and he chose nothing. After everything I did for him, after all the bullshit I put up with, he wanted nothing. He said, "you know, to be completely honest, I don't think I ever liked you nearly as much as you liked me." After ages of caring about him, the next day, he was already with someone else.

Here's a word of advice to all those naive girls out there: listen to your intuition. When the red flags come up, don't ignore them. Listen to what people say. Because although infatuation may be the strongest emotion you'll ever feel, heartbreak is much, much more painful, and takes much longer to conquer. I didn't listen to my gut, I didn't listen to my head. I listened to my heart, and I got burnt. I got burnt.

I'm still getting over the heartbreak, I take it day by day. Some days are worse than others, there will be times where I'll wake up in the middle of the night screaming thoughts in my mind about him. Other times I'll be able to put things into perspective and know that I can do better. The player will have a power over you like no one else - he'll be able to make you feel like you're the one at fault, like you're worthless, like you're the one who fucked everything up.

Don't date the player.


Nadine Rose Larter

“Isn’t that the tragedy of growing up though? One day you wake up and realize that everything you are and everything you feel is not much different from what everyone else feels.”

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

“It’s terribly amusing how many different climates of feeling one can go through in a day.”


Jay Asher

“If you hear a song that makes you cry and you don’t want to cry anymore, you don’t listen to that song anymore. But you can’t get away from yourself. You can’t decide not to see yourself anymore. You can’t decide to turn off the noise in your head.”

Le Love

"I am a true believer that the love between girl friends is something to be cherished, and never to be taken for granted. I’ve developed these beliefs because a year ago I lost two of the most wonderful friends anyone could have asked for. I completely, one hundred percent, took them for granted.

I’ve been through a lot in the past year; my first real apartment, job loss, a break up, and a move 1,300 miles away from my home of twenty-two years. These are the kind of things that are supposed to be discussed over a bottle of wine, or two, with your best girl friends. I laugh, cried, and celebrated alone. Most of my tears were shed not for the losses of a job or a boyfriend but for the loss of friendship.

You see I made some mistakes a year ago and instead of owning up to them, I denied everything. I tried to scheme my way out in the hopes of it all being forgotten in a few weeks time. Like high school drama… there one day, gone the next. Except this wasn’t high school; it was drama that I had brought onto myself. My friends called me out on my bullshit, with what were probably the best intentions, and instead of owning my mistakes I accused my friends of lying. They weren’t. Not even a little bit.

My denial, lies, and selfishness caused me to lose two people who I had considered family. They were done with my crap, and they had every right. Hell, if I were my friend, I’d have done the same thing. I am completely willing to admit (now) that I was the one in the wrong. I will forever regret the choices that I made."


“Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots. Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In fact, it is always in proportion. That’s its balance.”



23. aug. 2011

22. aug. 2011

Kinesisk ordsprog

"Øjnene er sjælens spejl."

21. aug. 2011


"Jeg er mere bange for små menneskemængder, for i de store kan man gemme sig i mængden."

16. aug. 2011

The Wedding Date: Nick

"I'd rather fight with you than make love with anyone else."

The Wedding Date: Nick

"It's been my experience that a man in love doesn't want a prostitute."

11. aug. 2011

Le Love

It’s not that I think you’re not important when you don’t have anyone, because I don’t. I truly don’t. I believe you can never really know what you want in someone else until you know yourself – completely and wholly - when you only have yourself to rely on. I know far too many people who are in relationships of comfort – because they don’t want to be alone. And it’s sad, because they rely so much on this social institution for validation. I am proud to say I have dealt with loneliness, and I’m not afraid of it. I am not afraid of my independence and I am not afraid of my own company. I am proud to say I have become a strong, level-headed person because I have had such a long time to consider myself and my surroundings and my feelings and my opinions with a clear head, one that is not muddled by the fog of a relationship and love and my heart. For these reasons I am glad it’s taken me this long to find someone, because I think when it happens, I’ll be able to handle it and make the most of it.

But fuck, sometimes I just get sick of being lonely. I get sick of having to rely on myself and my imagination for any kind of deeper mental or emotional stimulation. It’s getting to a point now where, I’ve had way too much time to think. My heart is forming cobwebs because the people I met, the experiences I’ve had so far, just aren’t cutting it. I think my imagination has had far too much time to become so specific in designing what my heart wants, I’m scared reality is just never going to compare. How can it? I never really gave it a chance. I’m torn between wanting only the best for myself and impatience. How much longer is it really going to take?

I feel like it’s impossible because I’ve made it impossible. I want magic. I want to feel such an intense pull towards someone it’s like our worlds just crashed into each other, changing them and me and everything I thought I knew. I want fireworks, and butterflies and magnetism, something tumultuous and huge and exciting and new. I want something to pull me out of myself and my head and my over-analysis and make me feel again, because I’ve forgotten. And I don’t think I can get it back on my own. But I’m scared I’m waiting out for a super unrealistic ideal that I’ve created for myself. I’m scared I’m chasing nothing. And every day it’s getting harder and harder to have faith in myself and everything I believe in.


10. aug. 2011

Schindlers List

"Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."


4. aug. 2011

Bruce Lee

"A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer."

Per Vers: Musikbilen: Frank Hvam

"Når man ser en mand sidde i en bil med vinduerne nede og høj musik væltende ud, så tænker man 'sikke en idiot'. Men i det øjeblik man selv sidder inde i bilen med armen ude af vinduet, så virker det egentlig helt naturligt. Ens yndlingsnummer blæser ud af højtalerne, mens man tænker 'Det er jo sådan her, jeg er'. For musikbilen er selvbedragerisk. Den skaber en ny virkelighed, hvor man selv er helten. I musikbilen skal man ikke betale regninger, man er ikke for tyk. I musikbilen har man ikke fodsvamp. I det øjeblik musikken bliver slukket, er man igen bare en ordinær person, der har glemt at handle ind. Og så træder man direkte ud i en hundelort. Det værste, der kan ske, er, at ens kæreste banker på ruden og spørger ' Er du faldet i søvn?', mens man tænker 'Hvordan ku' du skat? Jeg var prins.' Måske er den virkelige verden bare blevet for kedelig. Vi lever i en oplyst tid. Alle sten er vendt. Der er ikke en vild og uudforsket Borneoø tilbage, hvor der ikke har været en tyk dansk turist. Gud er død, mystikken er væk. Når man endelig finder et nyt dyr, så er det jo ikke en snabelgiraf, men en ny underart af møl. Engang kunne man forestille sig, at der på den anden side af bakken boede en drage. Nu ved vi, at der bor en pædofil, der hedder Poul. Det har man set på TV2 News. Dengang var manuelt arbejde jo ikke kedeligt. Når man hakkede roer og hørte en lyd. Huh. Så kunne det være en bjergtrold. I dag er det bare en printer, der går i gang. Der er ikke noget at sige til, at vi sommetider sætter os ind i den bil, starter musikken og drømmer os væk. Verden er blevet kedelig, og vi er blevet Harry Potter suckers."